Pathways to Credit
Pathways to Credit
Pathways to Credit
Within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, we offer several courses through which you engage in experiential learning. The Center for Professional Success offers three such courses through which you can earn academic credit while gaining valuable experience. Many other CHSS classes through which students can earn academic credit are also listed below.
Center for Professional Success Courses
Interdisciplinary Case Studies in the Liberal Arts (INTR 20390)
Offered: Fall and Spring
Description: As our country evolves, as do the issues that face it. Whether they be the enduring issues of social inequality or contemporary issues such as the proliferation of cybercrime, Americans are affected by pressing issues on a daily basis. The effects of these complex issues have historical, social, economic, and political significance, and are often best addressed by an interdisciplinary approach. This course will engage students in a team-based project through which they will research a timely, interdisciplinary issue through the lens of higher education. In doing so, they will have an opportunity to apply the tenants of their major to the causes and effects of the case study at hand. The design of the course will allow for guest speakers and targeted instruction to aide students in understanding the case and forming their solution. The course will culminate in a showcase through which students will present their case study solution to a panel of judges. As a result of the course, students will be able to connect their major to an issue of national concern, engage in problem-solving with their peers, form relationships with committed faculty, and hone their presentation skills. This course is restricted to majors in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences.
Past case study topics:
- Free Speech on College Campuses
- Defending the Liberal Arts
- Cybercrime and Information Literacy
- The Impact of COVID-19
- The Impact of Artificial Intelligence
- Social Stratification and Tribalism
Registration Instructions
Use Section Tally to determine when this class will be offered and register using Banner Self Service.
Experiential Learning in the Humanities & Social Sciences (INTR 20395)
Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer (starting fall 2021)
Description: Experiential learning holds immense value for the academic and career development of liberal arts majors. In addition to offering a channel for applying discipline-specific knowledge and skills, experiential learning affords students an opportunity to explore career paths, build professional networks, and engage with practical issues. This course will enable students to receive academic credit for a minimum of 40 hours in experiences such as faculty-led study abroad, job shadowing, internship, service-learning, and student-faculty research. Through goal-setting and reflection, students will make meaning of the out-of-classroom experience in which they are immersed. Students must secure their experience independently, and submit an online application to the College of Humanities & Social Sciences Center for Professional Success to be entered into this course.
You are responsible for identifying an experiential learning opportunity, as well as a supervisor who can confirm your participation.
The class does not have a meeting time; all work is done remotely. The 0-credit class does not have any assignments; however, the 1-credit class will require the following assignments:
- Five Discussion Questions
- Statement of Intent
- Midterm Progress Report Worksheet
- Mid Semester Focus Survey
- Transferable Experiences for the World of Work worksheet
- SkillsSurvey Assessment
- Updated cover letter and resume
- Final Reflective Paper
- Ongoing hours logs
Registration Instructions:
Once you have identified an experience, you can submit it for approval using the Application for Experiential Learning Credit online form*. If approved, you will receive instructions on how to register for the Experiential Learning in the Humanities & Social Sciences class.
*Please submit your online application at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester during which you would like to take the class.
Internship in Applied Liberal Arts (INTR 20399)
Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer
Description: The course will provide formal opportunities and guidance for liberal arts students seeking to explore the wide variety of careers open to students with degrees in the humanities and social sciences. This program will allow Rowan students to explore careers in the corporate, non-profit, and public sectors. The course will be offered annually. Hours requirements are as follows:
- 2 credits = 85-100 internship hours
- 3 credits = 130-150 internship hours
- 4 credits = 175-200 internship hours
- 5 credits = 220-250 internship hours
- 6 credits = 260-300 internship hours
In addition to recorded lectures, assignment requirements are as follows:
- The following assignments are required
- Reflection Papers (3)
- Elevator Pitch Statement Recording
- Ongoing hours logs
- List of References
- Revised Resume
- 8 Discussion Questions (students choose 6)
- Students must choose two of the following assignments:
- Focus 2
- Informational Interview
- Electronic Job Search Exercise
- Ethics Case
Registration Instructions:
If you already secured an internship, complete the Application for Internship Credit and send to Dr. Stephen Fleming ( to be registered for the course*.
For assistance with finding an internship, make an appointment with our Center for Professional Success via RSN.
*Please submit your online application at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester during which you would like to take the class.
Other Courses that Offer Experiential Learning
The courses listed below also offer some element of experiential learning. Note that some of these courses are restricted to specific majors and/or require prerequisites. It will be important to consult with your academic advisor if you are interested in any of the courses listed below.
- AFST 11310: Service-Learning Seminar in Africana Studies
- AFST 11350: Topics in Africana Studies: Model African Union
- ANTH 02290: Museum Studies
- ANTH 02295: Introduction to Qualitative Research
- ANTH 02315: Forensic Anthropology
- ANTH 02320: Archeological Field Methods
- DPEM 43495: Internship in Disaster Preparedness & Emergency Management
- ECON 04410: Internship in Economics
- EDPA 02490: Public Service Internship
- HIST 05378: Special Topics: History of Camden
- HIST 05495: Internship in History
- HSRV 01350: Field Experience I, II, or III
- IS 25350: Special Topics in International Studies: Model United Nations
- LAWJ 05356: Criminal Justice Internship I
- LAWJ 05357: Criminal Justice Internship II
- SOC 08377: Field Research Experience
- SOC 08494: Field Experience in Sociology
- SPAN 05452: Internship in Spanish
- SPAN 05499: Study Abroad