For Undergraduates

For Undergraduates

Scholarships and Internships Related to International Affairs and Foreign Policy in the U.S.

Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship RIPPAC
Students who are interested in public policy should check with the Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship, which maintains a list of internships, some of which are paid, with a variety of elected officials as well as other political figures and organizations in New Jersey. Students should be able to earn credit through the CHSS Match program, which also offers some relevant internships, e.g. with Literacy N.J. Political Science majors may also be able to earn credit through the Political Science internship course. 
American Foreign Service Association - American Foreign Service Association 
A professional association for members of the U.S. Foreign Service, which seeks to advocate for the institutional wellbeing of the Foreign Service as a professional career, and increase understanding among the American people about the vital role of the U.S. Foreign Service. AFSA offers four different internships for college students for the fall, spring, and summer in Washington, D.C. --- Advertising, Awards, Editorial/Journalism, and Labor Management. Interns are responsible for their own transportation and housing; they will be paid a stipend based on hours worked.
Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs - Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA)
APSIA is an organization based in Washington, D.C. that aims to improve graduate education in international affairs by working with some of the most highly regarded graduate schools in the field.  They work with member schools, employers, students, and alumni to promote better graduate training and to connect job seekers in international affairs with job opportunities. APSIA offers a paid internship in the fall, summer, and spring; there are separate deadlines for each  internship period. They prefer for interns to work in Washington, but other locations can be arranged. 
Catholic Charities Catholic Charities Website

Catholic Charities runs programs dealing with refugee and immigrant assistance, including English as a Second Language Training (ESL) and other support services, in the six southern counties of New Jersey. Volunteers can help teach ESL classes to refugees who are trying to learn English and/or work with refugee children while their parents are in class. More information and contact information to apply may be found on their website. Depending on how many hours you work, you could earn credit through CHSS Match (CHSS Match Internship Website). Teaching ESL would be great experience for students who are considering applying for ESL positions abroad when they graduate (Fulbright, JET, etc.) and for students interested in a career in interpretation/translating.

Center for Strategic and International Studies - Center for Strategic and International Studies

bipartisan, nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. that conducts research and analysis, and develops policy initiatives that look to the future and anticipate change. CSIS emphasizes finding ways to sustain American prominence and prosperity as “a force for good in the world.”  CSIS offers full and part-time internships in the fall, spring and summer on a rolling basis for those interested in gaining practical experience in public policy. Applicants must be at least a college junior in good standing, an advanced student, or a recent graduate; have at least a 3.0 GPA; and be eligible to work in the United States. Interns are paid a monthly stipend

CIA Internships CIA Internships Website

The CIA offers a variety of well-paid internships in Washington D.C. during the summer for students interested in foreign affairs and national security issues. Many of the internships are for computer science or engineering majors, but they also have internships for students with majors in international studies (listed under "Analysts" and "Open Source/Foreign Media Analysis"), as well as other majors such as business and communication. These positions are very competitive; applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA, completed at least one year of college, and be willing to move to Washington D.C. for the summer. Applications are due at least a year in advance, preferably earlier because of the intense screening process. The CIA also has a program for freshmen who are interested in pursuing a career with the CIA's Directorate of Operations after graduation (Internship Program for Freshmen) as well as a need-based tuition scholarship program (CIA Undergraduate Scholarships).

Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) CTBTO Website 

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization is an international organization that will be established upon the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, a Convention that outlaws nuclear test explosions.

Council for Foreign Relations - Council for Foreign Relations

An independent, nonpartisan think tank and publisher dedicated to helping its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens better understand global issues and the foreign policy choices the United States and other nations must make. CFR offers numerous internships for undergraduate and graduate students related to international relations, as well as research and editing, digital technology, and communications. 

Most internships are volunteer positions  located in New York or Washington, D.C. and available in the Fall or Spring semester. Interns must commit to at least sixteen to twenty-one hours per week. Duties usually consist of departmental support, editing and writing, research, and event coordination. CFR values “enthusiasm, ideas, and drive” and a collaborative and inclusive workplace.

FBI Internship Program FBI Programs for Students

For students interested in national security, the FBI offers the Honors Internship Program, a 10-week, paid internship where students from a wide variety of majors work with FBI employees in various locations in Washington D.C. or in field offices around the country. Applicants to the program must maintain a 2.95 or better GPA, pass all of the FBI employment background investigations, and be able to receive a Top Secret security clearance. Assignments are based on the current skills needed by the FBI. Needless to say, the Honors Internship Program is extremely competitive. Applications for the internships usually come out in August for the following year.

Federal Diversity Internship Initiative Scholarship FDII

This highly selective program offers undergraduates and graduate students interested in a career with the federal government full-time internships during the summer (10 weeks) or semester (15 weeks), mainly in the Washington D.C. area. The scholarship, which is administered by the Washington Center, pays for the cost of the internship program, housing, travel to the location of the internship, and a stipend to offset living expenses; the Washington Center offers shared housing within close proximity to the internships. Applications for summer internships are typically due in early February.

Foundation for Defense of Democracies - Foundation for Defense of Democracies 

Nonpartisan policy institute dedicated exclusively to “promoting pluralism, defending democratic values, and fighting the ideologies that threaten democracy” through policy research, investigative journalism, strategic communications, and democracy and counterterrorism education. This organization offers a variety of unpaid internships throughout the fall and summer, concerning communications, Congressional hearings, research, area studies (Latin America, Middle East, and Turkey), military and political power, and national security.

Foreign Policy Research Institute Foreign Policy Website

The Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) is a think tank based in Philadelphia that is "devoted to bringing the insights of scholarship to bear on the development of policies that advance US national interests." FPRI focuses on geopolitics, international relations, and international security. Their studies are broken down into eight separate programs: National Security, Center for the Study of Terrorism, Center for the Study of America and the West, Asia Program, Program on the Middle East, Project on Democratic Transitions, Think Tanks and Foreign Policy, and Program on Field Research. FPRI offers three types of internships for students. The first internship is the Operations Internship, which has students help with conference preparation, development, PR, and research for administrative projects. The editorial interns help to analyze articles, communicate with authors, and do general editing for the production of the quarterly journal Orbis. Research interns will work with a fellow at the institute who share similar interests. Research interns will help their scholar in conducting literature searches, maintain data files, and help produce materials. Intern produced work may be published on the FPRI website's Intern Corner.  These are very competitive internships, so interested students should have an outstanding academic record. Applications include a cover letter stating your research interests and which internship you're applying for, a one-page resume, and 3-10 page writing sample. The internships are offered for Fall, Spring, and Summer sessions and are unpaid, though work-study grants may be allowed. Email the prepared package to the internship coordinator at Rowan students can earn credit through the CHSS Match Internship program (and possibly other internship programs depending on their major).

Hanson Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation Hanson
The Hanson Summer Institute at the University of San Diego is a three-week fully funded leadership institute that brings together students from the U.S. and developing countries to learn from outside speakers as well as one another about conflict resolution and social entrepreneurship. The program aims to create "an international community of young scholars who will use their summer experience as a foundation for creating lasting friendships and acquiring a common practical understanding of a more peaceful future." Activities include team-building, public speaking, and working together to solve international problems as well as excursions in San Diego. Applicants must be students 20-25 with a professional interest in international affairs and demonstrated leadership potential in community service, public service, or with an NGO. Applications are due March 1.
Henry L. Stimson Center - Henry L. Stimson Center 
Nonpartisan policy research center working to preserve the planet, and promote security & prosperity; offers multiple unpaid internships in the fall, winter/spring, and summer semesters, focused on how “non-profit organizations can contribute to the understanding of issues in international peace and security.” Duties vary depending on the program, but tasks include proofreading, editing, and distributing Stimson publications; writing brief summaries of activities in the news; helping to maintain the Stimson website; tracking specific issue areas in the media; and taking notes in meetings. Stimson also provides interns with a series of professional development courses.
Hertog Foundation Summer Political Studies Fellowship and Courses Hertog Foundation
These highly competitive summer fellowships offer undergraduates and recent graduates (within the past year) an opportunity to study a variety of topics with students from around the country in 7 week seminars or 1-2 week courses. The foundation, founded by conservative philanthropist Roger Hertog, offers several seminars led by prominent scholars, journalists, etc. each summer in Washington D.C. on various topics related to political thought & philosophy, war & foreign affairs, and economics & domestic policy. Students who are accepted to a 7-week seminar will receive housing in Washington D.C., some meals, and a $2000 stipend; the short-term (one or two weeks) courses offer housing and a stipend of $500 per week. Applicants should have at least a 3.5 GPA, and the application requires a few short essays, a transcript, and recommendation. Next year's seminars are typically published in the fall, with applications due by early December.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) IAEA Website
The IAEA is the world's centre for cooperation in the nuclear field and seeks to promote the safe, secure and peaceful use of nuclear technologies.
International Labour Organization (ILO) ILO Website
The International Labour Organization (ILO) is devoted to promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, pursuing its founding mission that social justice is essential to universal and lasting peace.
Literacy New Jersey Literacy NJ
Literacy NJ is a nonprofit organization that provides both adult literacy and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes in Burlington, Gloucester, Mercer, Middlesex, Ocean, Sussex, Union, and (west) Hudson counties. Literacy NJ trains volunteer tutors, matches them with a student whose learning needs fit their abilities, and supports them in working with their students. They are looking for serious and responsible volunteers who are willing to complete a 15-hour training program ($45), then volunteer for at least two hours per week. Students who participate in this program could earn 2-6 credits/semester (depending on the number of hours worked) through Rowan's CHSS Match Program (CHSS Match). Participating in Literacy NJ, particularly tutoring ESL, would be a great experience for students who are considering applying for ESL positions abroad when they graduate (Fulbright, JET, etc.) and for students interested in interpretation/translating.

Middle East Forum Middle East Forum Website

Middle East Forum (MEF) is a conservative think tank that was founded in 1990. The MEF is a non-profit organization with its own journal, the Middle East Quarterly. The Forum focuses on combating Islamism, protecting the freedom of speech of anti-Islamist activists, and working to improve Middle East studies in North America. The MEF offers internships in a variety of fields for on-location interns in their office in Philadelphia and for distance interns who cannot make it to the office. The first type of internship offered is a Research Internship. This internship requires interns to assist writers in rigorously researching articles for popular audiences. These articles may be published in Campus Watch, Islamist Watch, and possibly in the Middle East Quarterly. Editorial interns learn the basics of publishing by working with the managing director of the Middle East Quarterly on a variety of tasks such as fact-checking, proofreading, and advertising. Writing internships allow interns to write an article with the assistance of the staff at the Forum and possibly place it. Web Publishing interns help maintain and develop the MEF website, Finally, the Fundraising Internship teaches students how a non-profit organization raises funds from individuals, foundations, and others. All intern positions, which are very competitive, are available throughout the year and unpaid, though interns may be reimbursed for transpiration if they are ineligible work-study programs. If students are interested in applying for an internship position, they should email a cover letter and their resume to Thelma Prosser, the office manager, at Rowan students can earn credit through the CHSS Match Internship program (and possibly other internship programs depending on their major).

National Security Agency (NSA) Internships NSA Internship Website

The NSA offers a number of well-paid 12-week summer internship programs for students interested in a career in intelligence and national security. Many of the programs are for students with STEM majors, but they also offer several programs for students with majors such as international studies and political science, e.g. the Security & Counterintelligence Summer Intern Program (SCSIP), Intelligence Analysis Summer Program, and the Civil Liberties and Privacy Summer Internship (CLP). There's also a language program for students who are fluent in critical languages (Chinese, Arabic, Persian, etc.) as well as a program for business majors (Business Management & Acquisition Intern Program), and for communication majors (Summer Strategic Communications Intern Program (SSCIP)). These internships are very competitive. Requirements vary, but in general, applicants must be US citizens with at least a 3.5 GPA; they must also be able to pass an intensive screening, including a polygraph. Applications are typically due in September or early October.

Organization for International Cooperation - Organization for International Cooperation

A Marlton, New Jersey-based non-profit dedicated to supporting foreign policymakers, their advisors and negotiators and officials of multilateral institutions in attaining “unprecedented cooperation” and peace in the world.  The organization offers unpaid internships.

Pathways for Students and Recent Graduates to Federal Careers Pathways Website

This program offers paid internships to undergraduate students (and recent graduates) from a wide variety of majors and fields, including internships related to international affairs and international security. Specific position listings, each of which have different requirements in terms of major, etc., may be found at USA Jobs.

Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institutes: PPIA Program

The PPIA Junior Summer Institutes, hosted by Princeton University, Carnegie Mellon, U.C. Berkeley, and the University of Michigan, offer intensive summer programs for undergraduate juniors who are planning to pursue a career in public or international affairs. The program at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, for example, is a seven-week program where students explore domestic and foreign policy issues with professors and policymakers and develop "skills that are core to policy analysis; microeconomics, statistics, writing, public speaking and organization/time management." Applicants must show an interest in public service and be able to bring a diverse perspective to public and international affairs (e.g. the perspective of a student from a public university). Applicants must also be committed to complete their Masters in public or international affairs at one of the PPIA consortium schools, which are among the top schools in the country. The benefits of attending this program include fully paid tuition at the Summer Institute session, including a meal plan and housing. There is a stipend of up to $1500 with possible reimbursement on travel expenses. Accepted scholars are also eligible for a onetime $5000 scholarship if they are accepted to a public policy program at the Masters level. The application, which is typically due November 1, consists of a resume, personal statement, academic transcripts, two letters of recommendation, and a copy of the applicant's financial aid for the academic year. Students who are interested in the program at U.C. Berkeley must also "specifically demonstrate involvement in working to improve historically underserved or underrepresented communities, including African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino/as, Native Americans and Pacific Islanders."

State Department Internships: U.S. State Internships Website

The U.S. State Department Internship offers opportunities for outstanding students to complete a summer internship related to US foreign policy in the Washington D.C. or in an embassy abroad. The deadline to apply is typically October. The problem is that State Department internships are unfunded, which puts them out of reach for most students, though some positions offer room and board; a Rowan student who won an internship with the Philliphines provided with room and board for the 3-month summer program. However, truly exceptional students might consider applying anyway, as if you do secure a State Department internship, you will be invited to apply for a few programs that offer funding. The Pamela Harriman Foreign Service Fellowship, for example, this link, provides $5000 for three exceptional students who secured an internship in U.S. Embassies in London or Paris, or the Secretary of State's Office in Washington, D.C. Similarly, the Council of American Ambassadors, this link, provides a $7995 scholarship for students chosen for a State Department internship to study foreign affairs at George Washington University. A couple of organizations also offer scholarships for minority students who obtain State Department internships, e.g. TLG/HECFAA Internship Scholarships.

State Department Virtual Student Foreign Service Internships: Virtual Student Federal Service Website

Students with outstanding academic records who are interested in foreign issues should consider applying for a Virtual Student Federal Service internship. Virtual internships--all work is completed at your computer at home--are available in a wide variety of government agencies for various projects that would interest students from many majors, including History, Political Science, Business, Education, Foreign Languages, Public Relations, Writing Arts, Computer Science, etc. Students apply to up to three positions, and if accepted, typically work 10 hours per week for the academic year. Students would generally be able to earn 3 credits per semester for the virtual internship through the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) internship program, here. Applications for the Foreign Service internships are due in July; if accepted, contact the CHSS internship coordinator for information about how to sign up for an internship at Rowan.

Think Tank and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) Think Tank Website

The Think Tank and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) is a highly competitive internship for undergraduate and graduate students. The internship aims to provide experience to students in the areas of public policy research for domestic and international affairs. Candidates should be proficient in English, and the knowledge of Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, and Arabic is highly preferred. Interns are usually matched with others into small groups who share similar interests to work on research and consulting projects that they are assigned. Positions are available for Fall, Spring, and Summer terms, and all interns are expected to work in and around the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia. All resumes and cover letters should be submitted to Dr. James G. McGann at Rowan students can earn credit through the CHSS Match Internship program (and possibly other internship programs depending on their major).


UNAIDS is leading the global effort to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Women UNWomen Website 

UN Women is the UN organization delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) UNDP Website

UNDP works in 170 countries and territories to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. They help countries develop strong policies, skills, partnerships and institutions so they can sustain their progress.

United Nations High Commisioner for Refugees (UNHCR) UNHCR Website

The UNHCR is a global organization dedicated to protecting people forced to flee and those left stateless. They lead international action to protect refugees, deliver life-saving assistance, help safeguard fundamental human rights, and develop solutions that ensure people have a safe place to call home where they can build a better future.

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) UNOPS Website

UNOPS provides infrastructure, procurement and project management services for a sustainable world. Their mission is to help people build better lives and countries achieve peace and sustainable development.

World Affairs Council of Philadelphia World Affairs Website

The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia is a non-profit, non-partisan, and private educational organization dedicated to informing people on matters of national and international significance. The Council offers highly competitive internships in a variety of fields for the Fall, Spring, and Summer sessions. They offer different types of internships in programs, education, membership, etc. Application information is available on the websit, but all applicants should prepare a cover letter, resume, and a small writing sample as well as specifying the internship they are interested in. Rowan students can earn credit through the CHSS Match Internship program (and possibly other internship programs depending on their major).

World Food Programme World Food Programme Website

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has been on the frontlines of the world’s worst hunger crises, fighting hunger and famine since 1962. Right now we’re taking on our largest scale-up ever, providing lifesaving meals to 150 million of the world’s most vulnerable people in more than 120 countries and territories this year.

World Health Organizatio (WHO) WHO Website 

WHO, as the directing and coordinating authority on international health within the United Nations system, adheres to the UN values of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity. The values of the WHO workforce furthermore reflect the principles of human rights, universality and equity established in WHO’s Constitution as well as the ethical standards of the Organization. These values are inspired by the WHO vision of a world in which all peoples attain the highest possible level of health, and our mission to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable, with measurable impact for people at country level. We are individually and collectively committed to put these values into practice.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) WIPO Website 

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation. They are a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 193 member states. Their mission is to lead the development of a balanced and effective international IP system that enables innovation and creativity for the benefit of all. Their mandate, governing bodies and procedures are set out in the WIPO Convention, which established WIPO in 1967.