Student News

Student News

Student News

American Historical Association Conference 2025
Abbie Ealer started off the new year at the Annual AHA Conference in New York City, January 3rd - 6th. During the AHA lightening round, Abbie presented her research on Philadelphia's Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church and its role in the Underground Railroad. The conference was also attended by History students, Angelina Witting and Sara Farris.
 Abbie Ealer AHA conference

Brianna Brida
Brianna Brida presented her poster "Unearthing Perspective: Observations of Public Archaeology at Red Bank Battlefield Park" at the annual Conference for Northeastern Historical Archaeology in New Haven, Connecticut, October 17-20, 2024.


In May 2024, history undergraduates and history graduate students participated in the 101st Commencement exercises at Glassboro! Photos below from the last two commencements, the one that began an the one that ended Rowan's year of Centennial celebration.  In 2023, we were all very pround that the Dean selected Gillian Moore to give the Student Address, and she made us even more proud with her delivery. Congratulations to all of the graduates.
 faculty in 2024
 hague and sterling
masters grads 2023
 faculty 2023
gillian moore
On April 22, 2023, John Reres and Emily Schmidt, supported by several other students, presented their research at the annual meeting of Phi Alpha Theta (Eastern Regional) at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  Both students earned accolades for their word and special prizes.
student presenters
On April 13, 2023, the Department of History hosted its annual Senior Recognition Banquet and Honors Society Induction.  Every seat was filled at Filomena Lakeview as family and friends joined the faculty in honoring our students.  Congratulations to all who attended.  Much thanks to William Carrigan, Mikkel Dack, Stephen Hague, and Debbie Sharnak (facultya advisors) and Gillian Moore (President of Phia Alpha Theta) and James Cater and John Reres (co-Presidents of the Student History Association) for their hosting and organizing of the event.  Thanks to Scott Morschauser for a fascinating address on his revolutionary research on "Journeying with Sinhue."
 Audience at the 2023 Banquet
Hague and Dack as Hosts
Morschauser at Banquet

President's Day 2023 was another great success.  Beginning at 4pm, undergraduate and graduate students presented their research projects in poster format.  Nominated for their excellence by faculty, these students impressed all who attended, including keynote speaker, Jay Sexton of the University of Missouri. 
Poster Session 2023
Professor Sexton delivered a fantastic address after the poster session.  Dr. Sexton's talk, entitled "The Monroe Doctrince at 200:  Past, Present, and Future," succeeded at both conveying the historic importance of this foreign policy statement over the past two centuries while also noting how the doctrine and its related ideas continue to impact international relations in the 21st century.  Thanks to Edward Wang for this great photograph.
 Jay Sexton

Congratulations to Dr. Jessica Mack and all who helped plan and pull off on a very successful Douglass Day 2023!
douglass day

Past Student News