Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate Programs
Students considering a major in history are urged to consult a history advisor early in their academic program in order to build a logical program leading to their goal, be it graduate school, professional school, or post-baccalaureate employment.

Faculty specialties range from ancient to modern history, covering the U.S, Europe, Latin America, East Asia, Africa, Russia, and the Middle East.

Learn more about the history major, minor, certificate, and dual degree programs such as the Accelerated BA/MA and BA/JD.

Scholarships and Awards
The History Department is proud to sponsor a variety of scholarships and academic honors to recognize exceptional students.

What can you do with a History degree?
History graduates probably have greater flexibility in their degree than many other college graduates. Traditionally, many students bound for law schools have chosen history as their major. The law, after all, cannot be understood outside of the cultural context, which produces it, and no discipline offers a more comprehensive view of man and society than does history.

Commonly Taught Courses
Undergraduate courses commonly taught in the History Department.

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