
  • International Studies Graduate Fair - 2018



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Glenn McDorman's talk on Chemical Weapons, 12/4/18
Chemical Weapons Write-up

Career PanelPanel Discussion, Careers in International Affairs, part 1: Learning from Individual Experiences

Wednesday, December 5, 2018
9:30-10:45 am
James Hall, 3091A


Melissa Marston, a recent Rowan graduate (class of 2011) with experience working for the Peace Corps, Cross-Cultural Solutions, and Jefferson University. Her work has involved Ghana, Morocco, and Macedonia, and has often focused on issues of social justice and female empowerment.

Rachel Bellamy, a member of Rowan’s class of 2012 who has worked for over five years in communications and fundraising roles for international development and arts-oriented nonprofits. She is currently the Senior Development Manager at KickStart International, a nonprofit focused on development and poverty relief. 

Dr. Frank Plantan (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania), Co-Director of the International Relations Program at the University of Pennsylvania and national president of Sigma Iota Rho, the international studies honor society. During his long career, Dr. Plantan has worked in international affairs in both university and private settings, and he has considerable experience with and expertise on the South Korean economy.

Top 10 Take-Aways from this Event 

career panel international studies career panel international studies career panel international studies

Career Panel 2 Panel Discussion, Careers in International Affairs, part 2: Opportunities and Resources at Rowan

Wednesday, December 5, 2018
3:30-4:45 pm
Robinson Hall, 212


Robert Bullard, Director of the Office of Career Advancement, Rowan University. Mr. Bullard and other staff members at the OCA provide a variety of services to Rowan students, including help with the job and internship search, career counseling, networking events, job fairs, and more.

Dr. Corinne Blake, Associate Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Dr. Blake is Rowan’s Fulbright Program Advisor and campus representative for the Boren Scholarship, Critical Language Scholarship, and other national scholarship programs that facilitate work, research, or study abroad.

Recent Events

Sarah BushA write-up about Sarah Bush's visit:

Yale researcher discusses international trends on the centennial anniversary of Armistice

In commemoration of the 100-year anniversary of the World War I Armistice, Rowan students learned about modern-day global democracy. On Monday, Nov. 12, guest speaker Dr. Sarah Bush widened the political lens for a packed room of students in Winans Hall with a lecture on foreign influence and the promotion of democracy in international politics.

Bush is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University and a Research Fellow at the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. She also recently authored the book, The Taming of Democracy Assistance: Why Democracy Promotion Does Not Confront Dictators.

Through both quantitative and qualitative research and nearly one hundred interviews, Bush suggests that the United States has become less confrontational when it comes to democracy promotion in non-democratic countries. Bush utilized focused case studies from government systems in Jordan and Tunisia.

Many assume this “taming” is the U.S. government attempting to improve relationships with authoritarian allies. However, Bush’s data suggests that the nongovernmental organizations designed to promote democracy assistance are becoming tamer over time for the sake of their own organizational prosperity.

According to Bush, the ramifications of these organizational and governmental changes are hard to determine, only time will tell if the taming of democracy assistance will severely impact international politics. The presentation ended with an enthusiastic round of applause, followed by a question and answer session.

The World War I Armistice marked the end of fighting in one of the history’s most hostile wars. On Nov. 11, 1918, the agreement was made resulting in a victory for the Allies and the spread of global democracy.

This talk was a part of the Critical Junctures series, created by Rowan’s International Studies program to promote awareness of current international issues. To find out more about upcoming speakers, check out the College of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Events page.