Love to Learn Arabic

Love to Learn Arabic


أهلاً وسهلاً!

Did you know that Arabic is the fourth most widely spoken language today after English, Spanish and Chinese? It is spoken in more than 22 countries by over 432 million people worldwide. It is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations.

Arabic is a Semitic language with an alphabet consisting of 28 letters, including three vowels. It is written from right to left in cursive. It is a very rich language that has influenced a great number of other languages. 


Benefits of Learning Arabic

Learning Arabic will make it possible for you to communicate with Arab communities in the United States and across the world. This communicative ability will grant you a competitive edge that will be beneficial in gaining access to a world of exciting and well-paid career opportunities. For example, students with Arabic language skills may find future careers in government/embassies, healthcare, international affairs, communications, technology, media, education, engineering, and many more! Whatever your major, mastering the Arabic language will increase your job opportunities across all professions.


Arabic Programs at Rowan

At Rowan, we learn the Arabic language through its experiential learning and rich culture, including trips to Arab shops and restaurants, visits to the Arab community, and events in New Jersey and other states.

Obtain a minor in Arabic Studies by completing 18 credit hours (6 classes) of Arabic language and culture.

Earn a Certificate of Undergraduate Study (CUGS) in Arabic by completing 12 credit hours (4 classes) of Arabic.

Arabic language courses also fulfill partial requirements for many other majors, minors, and CUGS.


Arabic Culture Club (ACC)

The ACC, formed in 2018 by Arabic language students, is one of the most active clubs at Rowan University! Hundreds of members across all Rowan colleges participate in our events. The club organizes both on-campus activities and off-campus field trips. Some activities include movie nights, belly dancing classes, and preparing Arab Food. Everything is free for our members. Any Rowan student can join by becoming a member through ProfLink.

STARLINK Arabic Program and Summer Camp - Check out our new Arabic program with amazing remote field trips to lands of the past and present.


For More Information...

If you have any questions regarding the Arabic program or Arabic Culture Club, please email the Arabic Coordinator, Professor Tarek Mousa, at