Program Requirements
Program Requirements
Program Requirements
Requirements 6 s.h.
AFST 01.104 Introduction to Africana Studies
ENGL 02.123 TPS Lit: African American Lit OR ENGL 02380 African American Lit OR HIST 05377 African-American History Since 1865
Electives 12 s.h.
AFST 11350 Topics: International Model African Union
AFST 11350 Topics: Black Masculinity
AFST 11350 Topics: #Black Lives Matter
AFST 11350 Topics: Tangled Politics and Natural Hair
AFST 01304 Africana Soc & Pol. Thought
ANTH 02311 Peoples & Cultures of Africa
ANTH 02335 Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
ANTH 02275 Anthropology of Race and Ethnicity
COSD 01406 Afr/Amer. Culture in Media
ENGL 02116 Readings in Global Lit
ENGL 02200 Gender, Sexuality, and Literature
ENGL 02380 African American Literature
ENGL 02123 TPS Lit: African American Literature
ENGL 02218 Multiethnic Literatures of the United States
ENGL 02365 U.S. Latino/a Literature
ENGL 02212 Native American Literature
ANTH 02202 Intro to Cultural Anthropology
GEOG 06111 World Regional Geography
HIST 05376 African American History to 1865
HIST 05377 African-American History Since 1865 (if not taken as requirement)
HIST 05378 History of Camden (Service Learning Course)
HIST 05396 Sub-Saharan Africa to 1800
HIST 05397 Sub-Saharan Africa Since 1800
HIST 05437 20th Century African Nationalism
HIST 05322 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 05373 Civil Rights and Black Power
HIST 05388 Comparative Race Relations
HIST 05429 Proseminar [must focus on an African American/Africana topic]**
HIST 05.443 Global Proseminar [must focus on Africana topic]**
HIST 05447 History of Medicine in Africa
HIST 05441 Imperialism/Colonialism
HIST 05425 History of Feminisms
HIST 05422 Women in American History
LAWJ 05330 Problems of World Justice
LAWJ 05346 Women & Crime
LAWJ 05386 Law and Human Rights
LAWJ 05205 Minorities, Crime & Justice
MUS 04344 Hip Hop Culture: Music, Lifestyle, Fashion and Politics
MUS 06115 Growth & Development of Jazz
MUS 06220 Singing Music of African Americans
PHL 09327 Philosophy of Race
POSC 07323 Politics of Class, Gender, Race in America
POSC 07340 Civil Rights/Liberties
POSC 07210 Black Americans & American Politics
PSY 01200 Psy Women/Cult. Exp
PSY 01310 Psychology of Racism & Ethnocentrism
PSY 01335 African American Psychology
PSY 01105 Ethnic Identity & Com. in America
PSY 01310 Psych. of Racism & Ethnocentrism
RTF 03272 Images/Women in Film
RTF 03280 African American Film History
SOC 08120 Sociology of Minority Groups
SOC 08488 Critical Race Theory: Social Justice, Advocacy and Intervention