Minor in Italian Studies

  • Italian Studies Minor

Minor in Italian Studies

Minor in Italian Studies

Italian Studies Program Guide

Harold Thompson
Academic Advisor
Contact the Academic Advisor via e-mail with any questions about the program. 

Alessandra Mirra
Program Mentor
Oak Hall, Rm. 206
(Contact the Program Mentor with questions about placement testing, course content, and study abroad.)

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ItalianatRowan/?modal=admin_todo_tour​ 

The Italian Studies Minor may be declared in the Department of World Languages, Oak Hall 107 or by contacting the University Advising Center, Savitz Hall, Suite 323 (856.256.4459 / advise@rowan.edu). This program allows students to add to their linguistic proficiency in Italian as well as their cultural, social and historical competence, which will benefit them on the job market, especially considering the strong presence of Italian companies, business activities, and institutions in our territory (i.e. foreign and public service, international sales and business, humanitarian work, government, politics, international law). The program will also support students’ growth and development as global citizens and will prepare them to interact with a different population and culture with greater cultural awareness and sensitivity, in accordance with the mission of the Department of World Languages.

This 18 s.h. minor is open to all students. A placement interview is strongly recommended for students with previous knowledge of Italian so that they may begin their Italian language study at the appropriate level. For placement interview information, please contact Dr. Alessandra Mirra at mirra@rowan.edu. Students may earn the credits for any skipped courses via the Authorization for Credit by Examination process and these credits are counted in fulfillment of minor requirements. All courses must be passed with a letter grade of "C-" or better and no courses may be taken P/NC. Students  may transfer credits into the Italian Studies Minor, including from study abroad; student splanning to study abroad must meet with their Advisor in order to determine course equivalents.

The Minor in Italian Studies consists of 6 courses (18 credits). Students must receive a grade of at least “C-” in all courses for the program. Each of the courses listed below is worth 3 credits.

1. Students are required to take the following four courses within the language component of the program (or receive credits via a placement interview and Authorization for Credit by Examination – contact Dr. Alessandra Mirra for more details at mirra@rowan.edu):

ITAL 04.101 - Elementary Italian I
ITAL 04.102 - Elementary Italian II (Prerequisite: ITAL 04.101 or waiver). ITAL 04.201 - Intermediate Italian I (Prerequisite: ITAL 04.102 or waiver) ITAL 04.211 - Intermediate Italian II (Prerequisite: ITAL 04.201 or waiver)

2. Students must also select at least one of the following elective courses (the courses marked with an asterisk are taught in Italian and have language prerequisites; the other courses are taught in English and can be taken at any time, before, after or concurrently with language courses):

ITAL 04.212 - Italian Reading and Composition* (Prerequisite: ITAL 04.211 or waiver) ITAL 04.320 - Italian Civilization and Culture* (Prerequisite: ITAL 04.212 or waiver) ITAL 04.100 - Masterpieces of Italian Literature in English Translation
ITAL 04.440 - Special Topic in Italian Culture
HIST 05.307 - Ancient Mediterranean World (Prerequisites: COMP 01.112, HIST 05.100, and prereq. waiver for HIST 05.306)
HIST 05.311 - Renaissance and Reformation History (Prerequisites: COMP 01.112, HIST 05.100, and prereq. waiver for HIST 05.306)

3. For their 6th course, students may choose another course from List 2 above OR one of the courses below:

ARHS 03.103 - Art History Survey I
ARHS 03.104 - Art History Survey II
MUSG 06.102 - General Music History
HIST 05.315 - Twentieth Century Europe I (Prerequisites: HIST 05.101 or HIST 05.120, COMP 01.112, and prereq. waiver for HIST 05.306)