


What does CSWE Accreditation mean?

Rowan University's Master of Social Work Program is currently in Candidacy Status for Accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education’s Board of Accreditation.

Candidacy for a baccalaureate or master’s social work program by the Council on Social Work Education’s Board of Accreditation indicates that it has submitted an application to be reviewed for Accreditation and had its Benchmark 1 approved.

Students who enter programs in Pre-Candidacy or Candidacy statuses will be recognized as having graduated from a CSWE-accredited program once the program attains Initial Accreditation. The Candidacy Process is typically a three-year process and there is no guarantee that a program in Candidacy will attain Initial Accreditation.

Accreditation provides reasonable assurance about the quality of the program and the competence of students graduating from the program.