Women's and Gender Studies

Women's and Gender Studies

Women's and Gender Studies

Founded in 1974, the Women’s & Gender Studies Program at Rowan University is one of the oldest in the nation, offering interdisciplinary academic programs including a minor and two certificates of undergraduate studies. Through academic programs and public events, the Women’s & Gender Studies Program endeavors to call campus and community-wide attention to issues of gender, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Rowan’s Women’s & Gender Studies Program seeks to interrogate social and cultural norms, historical processes, and power structures through an intersectional, comparative, and global approach to constellations of identity such as gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, class, and ability.
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Check out our spring 2023 Newsletter

WGS 2023 Newsletter

Interim Coordinator 2023-2024
Dr. Whitney Cox
Department of Philosophy and World Religions
Laurel Hall, Room 212
Dr. Melissa R. Klapper
Department of History
856-256-4500 ext. 53982