Joseph Johnson

Joseph Johnson

Joseph D. Johnson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Joseph D. Johnson, Ph.D.

Contact Info
856-256-4500 x53722


Dr. Joseph Johnson grew up in the mid-west where he would attend college at Southwest Minnesota State University. Graduating with a double major in Political Science and Justice Administration, Dr. Johnson went on to the University of Northern Iowa where he would receive his Masters of Arts degree in Sociology. While in the Sociology program, Dr. Johnson became involved in research that focuses on juveniles in the criminal justice system. After graduating with his MA degree, Dr. Johnson pursued his Ph.D. in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. His interests and research evolved into working to understand criminal experiences and pathways and community violence prevention and programming. He spent several years shadowing former gang and clique members and, along with colleagues, he has developed a non-profit youth development and violence prevention organization (Youth Opportunities Development). His current research examines the online-to-offline activities and behavior of gangs and gang members by way of social media. He teaches undergraduate and graduate level Research, Research Methods and Policing.

Selected Publications

Johnson, J. and N. Schell-Busey. (in Press) Old Message in a New Bottle: Taking Gang Rivalries Online Through Rap Battle Music Videos on YouTube. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology.

Johnson, J. The Death of Biggie Smalls. (2015) In Crimes of the Centuries: An Encyclopedia of Notorious Crimes, Criminals, and Criminal Trials in American History. Edited by Frank Bailey and Steve Chermak for ABC-CLIO Publishing Co.

Bishop, D., M. Leiber, and J. Johnson. (2010) Contexts of Decision Making in the Juvenile Justice System: An Organizational Approach to Understanding Minority Overrepresentation. Journal of Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 8(3):213-233.