Environmental Security
Environmental Security
Environmental Security

Climate Change
Climate change is an issue that affects every corner of the globe. As defined by NASA, climate change is a long-term trend that consists of significant variations in average weather patterns and is caused by a combination of natural and anthropogenic processes. The key indicators of climate change are global land and ocean temperature increases, rising sea levels, ice loss at Earth’s poles and in mountain glaciers, frequency and severity changes in extreme weather such as hurricanes, heatwaves, wildfires, droughts, floods and precipitation, and cloud and vegetation cover changes (NASA). In a global era of rising instability, it is necessary to promote resilience to and prevention of the unavoidable effects of climate change, as well as alter our behaviors that perpetuate it.

Conflict Over Resources
Disputes over the control of natural resources such as timber, diamonds, gold, minerals, and oil, or even farmland and water can lead to outbreaks of violence and conflict. According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), at least 40% of all intrastate conflicts over the last 60 years have been connected to natural resources, and this correlation doubles the chance of rebound during the first 5 years following a conflict. And since 1990, the exploitation of natural resources has exacerbated at least 18 violent conflicts. The degradation of the environment, population growth and climate change are only compounding this issue. Furthermore, land and natural resource mismanagement contributes to new crises and prevents the peaceful settlement of existing conflicts.

Environmental Justice
Concepts of justice and inequality deeply influence the debate surrounding environmental security. The ideology of environmental justice is that everyone should be entitled to equitable treatment against environmental harms and risks regardless of gender, race, color, national origin, or income (EPA). On a global level, environmental inequality refers to the unequal contribution to climate change, and the unequal experience of the effects of climate change. People in wealthier countries on average consume more than the people in poorer countries, their consumption is often more environmentally damaging, and the ecological footprint in wealthier countries has increased at a faster rate than that of poorer countries. Moreover, cooperation and collective action on issues of the environment becomes infeasible if the members of a community are unequal.

Migration / "Disaster Displacement"
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), some households and communities have already begun suffering from the effects of climate change, forcing them to abandon their homes in search of a new one. New trends of migration can exacerbate pre-existing vulnerabilities and cause tension between groups. The International Red Cross estimates that there are more environmental refugees than political refugees fleeing from wars and other conflicts. UNHCR says 36 million people were displaced by natural disasters in 2009, the last year such a report was taken. Scientists predict this number will rise to between 50 and 200 million by 2050.

The Environment and Human Health
Climate change poses significant threats to the health and well-being of humans. According to the World Health Organization, the effects of climate change are anticipated to be responsible for about 250,000 additional deaths per year between the years 2030-2050. Via a number of mechanisms, climate change can intensify existing health problems or create new public health issues. Even now, climate change's health hazards endanger vulnerable populations, such as those with disabilities or health conditions, and low-income households and individuals. As climate change worsens, it is expected to aggravate those inequalities. Overall, climate change-related environmental security challenges have an effect on many of the social and environmental determinants of health, such as clean air, safe drinking water, adequate food, and adequate shelter.

Food Security
Food scarcity and malnutrition are, in large part, related to issues of the environment across much of the world. It is imperative to analyze how these problems impact global agriculture and local communities. According to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, nearly 690 million people suffer from hunger according to 2020 estimates, which is an increase of nearly 60 million from the last five years. Furthermore, as human conflict and forced migration have increased, so has the number of starving and malnourished people around the world. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, our food systems reveal a link between climate change and global instability. More nations are experiencing armed conflict now than they have been in over three decades, and millions of people have been displaced as a result of this trend. In a vicious cycle, displacement can produce hunger, and hunger can produce displacement.
Organizations Addressing Issues of Environmental Security
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) conducts frequent evaluations of the scientific evidence for climate change, its ramifications and associated risks, as well as preparedness and response strategies.
World Resource Institute
World Resources Institute (WRI) is a global research organization of over 60 countries that aims to turn knowledge into action at the intersection of climate, economic opportunity, and human well-being. WRI's goal is to encourage people to act in ways that preserve the environment and the planet's potential to fulfill the needs and expectations of present and future generations.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a United Nations specialized agency in charge of international hunger relief efforts. The organization's mission is to ensure that everybody has access to enough high nutrient food to live productive, healthy lives, as well as to achieve food security for all.
UN Water
UN Water is a United Nations organization committed to supporting sustainable water and sanitation management. Providing consistent and accurate data and knowledge on key water patterns and management problems is one of UN-Water's goals. UN-Water also coordinates the United Nations' international freshwater and sanitation framework and practices.
Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change
The Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change is a global network of current and retired military personnel dedicated to raising awareness of the security concerns of climate change and calling for action to mitigate its threats. GMACCC has hosted a variety of forums on climate change and international security, as well as written a number of papers on the subject.
Institute for Environmental Security
The Institute for Environmental Security (IES) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose mission is to raise political awareness of environmental security as a means of ensuring critical conditions for peace and long-term growth. IES uses an interdisciplinary approach to provide detailed policy recommendations and educational resources by combining the fields of science, diplomacy, law, economics, and education.
Click here to visit the Institute for Environmental Security website
Center for International Environmental Law
The Center for International Environmental Law is an organization that campaigns for environmental protection, human rights promotion, and the pursuit of a fair and equitable society. CIEL works in three areas: Climate & Energy, Environmental Health, and People, Land, & Resources, to provide legal advocacy, policy analysis, and capacity building.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent federal government agency in the United States concerned with environmental protection. The EPA's mission is to safeguard human health and the environment.To carry out this mission, the EPA creates and enforces environmental regulations, identifies environmental issues, and collaborates with national and international institutions to try to solve them.
Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security (IEDS)
The Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security (IEDS) is a research center dedicated to the study and application of strategies for resolving environmental disputes, as well as the use of ecological systems as peace-building mechanisms. IEDS is organized around three major themes: (1) Borderlands- IEDS investigates how human territoriality can be proactively structured such that geopolitical borders work in accordance with the environment. (2) Resource Values- IEDS works to develop efficient frameworks for defining, coordinating, and enforcing natural resource values in ways that mitigate conflict. (3) Pragmatic Peace- IEDS promotes a practical view of peace in order to integrate diverse public policy approaches.
Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)
The Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) is a non-profit regional association that promotes responsible environmental policies and programs in the Arab region. The Forum promotes the establishment of ties between Arab chambers of commerce and industry, as well as scientific research centers and educational institutions in the Arab world, with the aim of developing joint environmental programs through environmental collaboration. The Forum's goal is to encourage governments to implement and create environmental laws that are in line with the challenges that exist in the Arab world today, with a focus on implementing legislation.
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) was established in March 1998 as part of a Japanese government initiative. The Institute's mission is to achieve a new vision for society and to conduct creative policy formulation and strategic analysis for environmental measures, translating research findings into political decisions that will result in sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region and globally.
Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network
The Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN) promotes technical cooperation and coordination among countries of the Americas in the collection, sharing, and use of biodiversity information relevant to natural resource conservation and development policy. The IABIN's priorities include enhancing infrastructure for biodiversity knowledge exchange, strengthening technological capacity to exchange biodiversity information and expertise across borders, and developing or adapting decision-making tools to help policymakers develop successful environmental management policies to support sustainable development in the region.
GenderCC - Women for Climate Justice
GenderCC – Women for Climate Change is a global network of organizations and advocates committed to promoting gender equality, women's rights, and climate justice. GenderCC aims to achieve gender and climate justice by increasing awareness of the issue and building capacity in order to strengthen environmental legislation; widening the knowledge base on gender and climate in order to recognize successful preparedness and response options; encouraging people to actively contribute to adaptation and mitigation strategies; and improving collaboration on gender and climate issues at all levels.
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) is a grassroots group created by Indigenous communities and individuals to discuss environmental justice concerns. Building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to establish strategies to protect sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, and health is one of IEN's activities. IEN accomplishes this by conducting research, coordinating programs, and strengthening the capacity of communities and tribes to discuss environmental justice issues. IEN offers assistance and services to Indigenous peoples and youth around North America and the world.