Political Science
Political Science
Political Science Academic Programs
The Political Science Department offers a major program of 39 credits leading to a B.A. degree, and a minor program consisting of 21 credits. These programs are open to all students who envision careers as lawyers, government managers and administrators, public policy analysts, journalists, intelligence officers, diplomatic service officers, teachers, lobbyists, public opinion analysts, legislative aides, or any other career in government or business which requires a broad liberal arts background.
The major program aims at ensuring both breadth of knowledge of the discipline and in-depth studies in areas of the student's greatest interest. The total degree model requires 39 credits in the major, 46 credits in specific general education courses, 14 credits in elective upper-level courses in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences and/or in general education courses, and 21 credits of free elective courses for a total of 120 credits for graduation. A grade of C- or better must be earned in all Political Science courses. In addition, all students are required to take courses designated as Writing Intensive, Multicultural/Global, and a course designated as LIT.
The minor program in political science supplements the curriculum of students majoring outside political science; it helps students expand their career options into such fields as law, journalism, social studies teaching, business, government, and intelligence. The minor requires 21 s.h. of courses. Twelve of those semester hours are in basic courses which are required of all who pursue a political science minor, while the other nine are electives that students can tailor to their particular career or intellectual interests.
Political Science Advisor
Harold Thompson
856-256-5719 | thompsonh@rowan.edu
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