Stanley Yeldell, J.D.

Stanley Yeldell, J.D.

Stanley Yeldell, J.D.

Stanley Yeldell, J.D.Associate Professor


Stanley B. Yeldell, Associate Professor, received his J.D. from the Howard University School of Law in the City of Washington D.C. He has thirty-one years of experience in Law/Justice Studies with specific emphasis in the field of Victimology and a diverse background in the following areas: Criminal Law, Business Law, Consumer Law, Forensic Law and Torts. He is the Program Coordinator for the Criminal Justice Internship Program, the Department Academic Advisor, the founder of the Victim Awareness Organization, and the Advisor to the departmental student organization-Gamma Chi.. His ongoing research includes: the Atlantic City Gun Tracing Project and the Comparative Victimization Study with the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice of Manonmaniam Sundaranar University of Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Information
Office Hours: Tue. & Thu. 12-2PM