Wanda D. Foglia, J.D., Ph.D.

Wanda D. Foglia, J.D., Ph.D.

Wanda D. Foglia, J.D., Ph.D.

Wanda D. Foglia, J.D., Ph.D.Professor


Wanda D. Foglia, Professor, received her J.D. and Ph. D. from the University of Pennsylvania and is the Program Coordinator for the M.A. in Criminal Justice. She teaches theory, treatment, and corrections courses. Her research on how capital jurors decide death penalty cases has resulted in numerous presentations, articles in academic journals, and a report for the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Dr. Foglia testifies as an expert witness in death penalty cases throughout the country. Other research areas include cognition and crime, deterrence, and racial and gender bias, and she is currently working with the Youth Services Commission on reviewing corrections programs for juveniles. Her work is informed by practical experience as a former Philadelphia Assistant District Attorney, Police Academy Instructor, and facilitator for programs promoting diversity.

Contact Information
Email: foglia@rowan.edu
Office Hours
Homepage: Wanda Foglia

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