Dr. Claire Falck

Dr. Claire Falck

Dr. Claire Falck
Associate Professor

Dr. Claire Falck

Contact Info
Laurel Hall, Rm. 301


Claire Falck graduated with a B.A. in English, Art History, and Visual Art from Bowdoin College, and received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012. Her articles on Spenser, Donne, Herbert, and other early modern topics have appeared in The John Donne JournalThe George Herbert JournalStudies in Philology, and SEL. Her book project, God and Genre in Early Modern Protestant Poetry, analyzes the generic innovations of religious lyric and epic poetry during the English Reformation. At Rowan, Dr. Falck teaches Critical Methods for English Majors, Shakespeare, the early British literature survey, and seminars on early modern and Renaissance literatures.​
Claire Falck