Seran Schug, Ph.D.

Seran Schug, Ph.D.

Seran Schug, Ph.D.
Lecturer of Anthropology

Seran Schug, Ph.D.

Contact Info
Campbell Library, Fifth Floor


Research Interests
Medical Anthropology
Psychological Anthropology
Arts and Medicine
Applied Anthropology
Gender and Global Mental Health
Ethnography and Performance Theory
Illness Narratives
Discourse Analysis

Selected Publications
Heid, A.R., S. Schug, F.P. Cartwright, and R. Pruchno. 2017. "Challenges Faced and Support Received: Older Adults' Perceptions of Hurricane Sandy." Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 11(1):39-47.

Sockolow, Paula, Seran Schug, Jichen Zhu, TJ Smith, Yalini Senathirajah, and Sandra Bloom. 2016. "At-risk adolescents as experts in a new requirements elicitation procedure for the development of a smart phone psychoeducational trauma-informed care application." Informatics for Health and Social Care 42(1):77-96.

Courses Taught
Medical Anthropology
Culture and Personality
Comparative Cultures
Arts and Medicine
Anthropological Perspectives on Physical Growth and Development

The Rattle Project
Podcast Project for the Society for Applied Anthropology