Maria Rosado, Ph.D.

Maria Rosado, Ph.D.

Maria Rosado, Ph.D.
Professor of Anthropology

Maria Rosado, Ph.D.

Contact Info
Campbell Library, 528


Research Interests
Bioarchaeology of Native South Americans
Forensic Anthropology

Geographic Areas
Chile's Semi-arid North

Selected Publications
Rosado, M.A. and M. Urizar. 2014. "El Olivar: Aspecto Socio-conductal y Condiciones de Salud a través del Registro Oseo."  XIX Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Chilena, Volumen 1.

Rosado, M.A., S. Mollick, and K. Lewis. 2006. "The Historical Archaeology of the Cohansey Baptist Cemetery: Resurrecting the Dead without Disturbing the Burial Grounds." The Bulletin of the Archaeological Association of New Jersey 61:50-58.

Rosado, Maria Araya and Jessica Vernaccio-Wilson. 2006. "Paleopathology and osteobiography of the people of Peñuelas, Chile's semiarid north." Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 101(S2).

Maria Rosado

Courses Taught
Human Variation
Human Evolution
Natives of South America
Indians of North America
Rowan Seminar – Human Variation
Forensic Anthropology
Linguistics and Cultures of Native South Americans
Human Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach