Affiliated Faculty

Affiliated Faculty

Affiliated Faculty

Faculty affiliated with CSSR are engaged in methodologically rigorous empirical research. Faculty profiles are searchable by methodological expertise. 

Kimberly Houser, Law & Justice Studies
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: Corrections, Mental Health, Substance Use, Problem-Solving Courts, Reentry
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Multivariate logistic regression, multinomial regression, survival analysis, binomial regression, and heirarchical linear modeling

Kathy Javian, Political Science & Economics
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: American Politics, State and Local Politics and Policy, Political Behavior
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Regression, HLM and Multilevel Modeling
Areas of Qualitative Methodological Expertise: Case Studies Research including Historical Process Tracing and Comparative Case Studies

Stuti Jha, Political Science & Economics
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: Health Economics, Labor Economics, International Economics
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Secondary Data Research (Causal-comparative), longitudinal analysis, cross-sctional research, survey research

Kul Kapri, Political Science & Economics
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: International Economics and Development Economics
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Panel data analysis, Cross-sectional data analysis, Micro (individual, household, firm level) data analysis, Ordinary least square (OLS), Quantile regression

Carla Lewandowski, Law & Justice Studies
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Logistical regression, Linear regression

Yupeng Li, Political Science & Economics
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: Health Economics/ Public Health

Lawrence Markowitz, Political Science & Economics
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: Comparative Politics, Post-Soviet Eurasia
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Design of targeted expert surveys/questionnaires
Areas of Qualitative Methodological Expertise: Research design, case study analysis, comparative historical analysis, participant-observation (ethnography), interviews, and focus groups

John Shjarback, Law & Justice Studies
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: Policing; criminal justice policy
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Basic multivariate analyses: OLS, logistic regression, negative binomial/probit models; some multi-level/hierarchical modeling experience
Areas of Qualitative Methodological Expertise: Qualitative interviewing/coding; 1 publication using qualitative data/coding

Ian Silver, Law & Justice Studies
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: Applied Statistics and Correctional Populations
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Applied Statistics including, but not limited to, causal inference, structural equation modeling, bias evaluation, and simulation analysis

Evan Sorg, Law & Justice Studies
Sub-Field/Areas of Interest: Policing, Geographic Criminology, Crime Mapping and Analysis
Areas of Quantitative Methodological Expertise: Geographic Information systems, spatial analysis
Areas of Qualitative Methodological Expertise: Focus groups, surveying, interviews